Vitamin D - 4000 IU
Vitamin K2 - 200 micrograms
Zinc - 10mg (40mg considered high limit)

Daily recommendation from Michael Cohen on Dr. John Campbell's channel. He said that if people had treated the disease differently (done vitamins etc), he wasn't sure there'd be anything like the current justification for an international pandemic.

4000 IUs is for a regular adult. An overweight adult could merit 8000 or even up to 12000 IU. (Fat cells store but don't use D.) Also, Cohen tests patients for low Vitamin D levels.

Aiming for a level above 50 nanograms per milliliter. For viral infections like Covid and the Flu.

Vitamin D can be consumed without bad effects. Studies did 50k IU for 6 months and had no health issues from it.

K2 is because D releases calcium into the blood, which could settle in clumps over time. 100 of K2 for people taking over 4000 IUs of D. People taking 1000 or 2000 IUs of D don't need K because their levels of D aren't high enough to liberate enough K.

Zinc increased up to 50mg twice per day during a viral infection, Cohen said.

Zinc should be added to Hydroxychloroquine, it seems to Cohen, for best results. It seems to make the difference.

D takes time to take effect, to get to effective levels in the body. Like a few days to have an effect, a few weeks to get to effective levels. Zinc can have an effect within less than a day.

Vitamin D in Israel