There was a company(s) that had clauses in their contracts that said 'no class actions' but some smartipants lawyer got together with an app maker to make an app that allowed individuals to easily submit their own individual action, resulting in thousands of actions for the company.
ChatGPT's usage contract has a 'mass filings' subsector that says if a large number (specific) file similar claims, through the same lawyer or office, they'll throw out a certain number. So they detail how they'll deal with that.

They also have lots of indemnification in their contract. So if someone sues someone for something the second guy made with chatGPT, chatGPT can call him and say He you agreed to indemnify, defend and hold us harmless. They can hire lawyers and defend themselves and then send you the bill. 'Arising from or relating to' use of the services. So they can defend themselves, and find there was no wrong done, and they can still have the user pay.