Notes up to like page 70. (I think I did notes for the rest somewhere.)


New examples of phenomena are discovered and often serve to make an abstract claim more legible to the reader

politeness is the operating protocol of our social interactions. lead to predictable outcomes.

creating new social technologies changes how people can organize.

an institution is a zone of coordination maintained by automated systems.

A sign is that everyone in the organization is trying to perform the same task, the one that is most socially rewarded, rather than being specialized according to their function.

they might believe their institutions are functional, simply because they have never seen the functions carried out well.

the social technology causes people to be able to coordinate

coordination costs. delivering information can reduce them.

The Industrial Revolution required a breakthrough in the ability to educate masses of people on how to use new technology.

Militaries lose the ability to tell good designs from bad due to institutional decay during long periods of peace, and without active demand, productive capacity decays from lack of use.

The advertisement doesn't merely tell us what we want. It tells us how and why to want it.

America excels at early and widespread adoption of novelty. Marketing, both ideological and economic, remains one of America's key strategic advantages.

as a pro-social and patriotic duty

a social order which particular technologies and industries.

contrarian ideas--as all new technologies are by definition-almost never survive committees. How could they? By their very nature, they cannot have the majority on their side. If they do, it is because they have a powerful champion who has cornered the committee, an uncommon skill.

In a startup, a difficult and aggressive personality might suffice at first But larger corporate and government-directed technological efforts work best when they are clearly goal-oriented.

backed by enough power to over-come social inertia.

There is, however, no way out but through.

for nature cannot be fooled.

esoteric and well-grounded knowledge needed for creation can't be achieved at industrial scales and tolerances.

Honors are thus acts of an alliance to mutually boost prestige, We usually think honors are about the recipient, but the giver of honors also gains, The giver and recipient collaborate to publicly assert that the recipient is worthy of prestige, and that the giver has the authority to grant it.

'The audience accepts the frame because they recognize the preexisting prestige of someone involved.

Money, however, is a limited source of prestige.

A ruler is a source of prestige and, moreover, usually the primary source of prestige in a society.

A ruler trying to gain standing by playing football is silly, because if he truly is the ruler,people will feel obliged to lose

For rulers trying to gain standing, what remains is the role of the status referee, the one who confers honor across domains.

standardized methods of education tend to produce counterfeit understanding because education is too complex to be easily standardized.

Knowledge of this sort includes trade secrets, tacit technical knowledge, private social networks, private intelligence-gathering operations, management, persuasive skill, cooperation and collusion. among founders and their allies, and. founders' long-term plans for their institutions.

If a dark age is an age that has forgotten most of what was previously learned, we are still living in one.

formalized training and apprenticeship. Guilds. its first purpose is to ensure commitment from those trying to access information.

through obscurantism, deliberately conveying information unclearly.

annexed Crimea, and such a thing hadn't been done for decades in Europe. Successful operation in Syria. Stabilized Assad at relatively low cost.

a live player that is a group of people must be tightly coordinated in order to be flexible and responsive enough to do things they have not done before. This allows them to make moves outside of the formal structure of the group, go off script, modify themselves, continue acting even if the outer form dies ...

Live players frequently conceal themselves to avoid opposition from other live players or to reduce the likelihood of attacks. By concealing themselves, they delay other people's responses to them.

Apple Now, it is a bureaucracy imitating his taste.

Power is the ability to realize your will, to affect the world in ways you desire, to achieve your goals. Power always has a source. Borrowed power is power that has been given to you and can be taken away by someone else. It usually takes the form of an office or tide. Owned power is power that cannot easily be taken away. The major sources of owned power are resources, skills, personal relationships, and knowledge.

Certain types of owned power are particularly useful for acquiring borrowed power, first and foremost the skill of persuasion. Since acquiring borrowed power entails someone else giving you some of their power, being able to persuade them that this is a good idea is very useful. Another is knowledge about the system in which you hope to gain power.

|power is owned to the extent that it can be defended,

ability of a system to lend power while still keeping ownership of it thus increases as the difficulty and cost of surveillance decreases.

founders who bring new social designs into being

jj there was a reason to keep the State of Rome sustained. Because Rome sustains us. It's virtue sustains others.

In Roman society, adoption

A disadvantage was that it favors the junior party, perhaps to the point of making premature conflict a viable route to power

The prestige of rulers and, more generally, the prestige landscape created by power, is the fount from which most other prestige flows, If someone tries to grant prestige out of line with this source, it may not be taken seriously, or may find itself undermined by power.

It is then critical that rulers are incentivized to allocate prestige well-that is,in accordance with the actual distribution of excellence. If they. aren’t, as in the case of Stalin, the resulting distortions in the allocation of prestige produce distortions in their society's understanding of what is good and what is true.

Status is one o the irreplaceable currencies

the relative respect and patterns of deference accorded to people, groups and organizations by wider society

holding, and yes, spending status. Status is a coordination mechanism, and this makes it valuable.

If we come together to do great things, much status is required

many, with the means to expend resources in our society do not do so for fear of incurring such enmity-importantly, our society doesn't punish material inequality when it's quiet.

Someone justifying their choice to major in aerospace engineering to friends and family now has to justify a little less.

trying to understand what Aristotle would think about artificial intelligence.

America's national mythology is revolutionary,

institutions claim legitimacy from technocratic grounds of impartiality,

Ian Khama resigning from the military before entering civilian politics, rather than using the position of general to install himself directly, however, is an example of the way military leaders can acquire political power without setting a precedent for coups.

Botswana has a relatively homogeneous

his government bought half of the local branch of the international De Beers corporation, rather than seizing it.

Income from taxing or owning shares of such large companies can be used for patronage of political allies (Sheila Khama served as CEO of De Beers Botswana) as well as social programs that develop state power further. This reduces the pull of alternative institutions such as clans, radical religious groups, and ideological organizations. Saudi Aramco

The marriage of President Seretse Khama, lan's father, ro Lady Rurh Williams Khama,was controversial at the time, likely an act of love rather than intentional statecraft. However, it was read by the white minority as a credible commitment to ethnic peace. ... The family is thus reassuring for the white minority, while simultaneously legitimate to traditionalist Tswana

the formal purpose, when too weak to exert a pull, becomes an obstacle.

much of the thought we do engage in is about making other humans treat us nicely or give us the things we want, rather than about discovering what is true. Desperate for social survival, we explicitly or implicitly agree to pay the long-term price for immediate improvement.