(complete, or ?just V.1?)


In spite of certain exoticinfluences exercwcl on this society by,8uch cultural elements as ImrjllJ[lR|rature, Chin.es_e. painting and Indian religion,... outside the cultural world to which we beIong

disarmed them of their distinctive cultures.

|en a frontier between a more hitbly and a less highly civilized society_ceases to advance. the.balancer|-not settle down to a sta51j_tailibriurn but inclines,

Hellenic Society was_no lonster creaLive

the Visigoths received the first blow from the Franks and the coup de grace from the Arabs

the Church belonged to the future as well as the past, the Barbarian successor states, as well as the Empire, belonged wholly to the past

Thus three factors mark the transition from the old to the new society: A universal state as the final stage of the old 8Ociegr; a .Church developed in the old soaety irid in turn developing the new; and the chaotic intnlsion of a barbarian heroic age,

Marks of the Confucian age: statecraft and intellectual vitality, mundane wisdom, quietism of his contemporary LaoTse. Confucious looked back with reverence, while Lao-tse turned his back on it

We cannot even see a reflection of the Minoan religeon in the dispossessed deities
gods made in the image of the barbarians

Oriental religeons: it involves a dogmatic spirit in the worshipper far removed from the Hellenic standpoint
both sexes, more or less on par
more personal bearing
disunion, marked by family and clannish fueds
multiplicity of forms and attributes
same paramount goddess
This Cretan Zeus is not the leader of a war-band

sought and found in stone - Egypt

We have traced the Egyptiac society to its sources and discern beyond its beginnings the latter end of an earlier socity

spirit of vegetation

success of the Western Civilization in the material sphere

mutation of primitive societies into civilizations ... transition from a static condition to a dynamic activity
... to say that the creative minority of a civilization in growth has degenerated or atrophied into the dominant minority of a civilization in disintigration is only another way of saying that the society in question has lapsed from a dynamic activity into a static condition. ... succession of the proletariat .. a new civ is generated

the notion of superior and inferior biological types was just what one might expect to result from such contacts ... rendered biologically conscious

is something not simple but multiple, not an entity but a relation. We have the choice of conceiving this relation either as an interaction between two inhuman forces or as an encounter between two superhuman personalities.

environment ... the most conspicious single factor ... x, the unknown quantity, apparently psychological in kind

by becomming conscious that it has a soul of its own and by making up its mind

was once its spiritual house but has now become a prison-house and finally a city of destruction

the energy generated in the process of breaking-in this narrow plot of dour Italian soil was the energy which afterwards conquered the world from Egypt to Britain

The African is often blamed fro being lazy, but it is a misuse of words. He does not need to work. With so bountiful a nature round him it would be gratuitous to work.

In the power of their spiritual understanding the Israelites surpassed the military prowess of the Philistines and the maritime prowess of the Phoenicians

Their ancient Syriac neighbors have gone into the melting pot and been re-minted

we may not like him but we cannot deny that we have learnt from him lessons of importance and value

New Englanders' unsuccessful competitors: the Dutch, the French, the Spaniards and the other English colonists

the aquisition of New York

cotton and the steam-boat
locomotive and reaper-and-binder

In the South. It was here that all the distinctive features of Hinduism took shape

Odin, the leader of men

abandoned is the primative kin-group

The Saga and Epic arise in response to a new mental need, a new awareness of strong individual personalities and of momentous public events.
... come to feel that life in their time has grown relatively tame. Therewith they cease to prefer new lays to old ... repeats and embellishes the tales of the older generations. ... Epic among migrating peoples

How a crushing defeat nerves a community to more purposeful activity - Rome's unsuvvessful rivals (further defeat frustrates the purpose)

The energy evoked in Prussia by this stimulus (14 years that culminated in Jena) was extraordinary. It regenerated not only the Prussian army ...

a challenge of unusual severity evoked a response which was remarkably innovative and creative. Cossaks after sudden imposition of MOngol Batu Khan's campaign 1237 (pp 114-115). Qazaq - an outlaw who refuses to acknoweldge the authority of his ‘legitimate’ nomad overlord

the superior resources of agriculture

seizing upon the rivers, the one natural feature of the Steppe which was not under the nomad's control. To nomad horsemen rivers were formidable obstacles and useless for transport

barbarians had disappeared ... rival civilizatons

Charlemagne ‘Carolingian Renaissance’ which was one of the first manifestations of cultural and intellectual energy in our Western World

Westernizing the last remaining Continental barbarians

new institutions: the city state and the militant monastic order

Saxony lost her hegemony in ad1024 and broke into fragments

in spite of the eminence of certain individual emperors like Frederick Barbarossa, the Imperial power steadily declined

newfangled nationalist ideals of the 19th. The Hapsburg Monarchy spent the last century of its existence in attempts at hindering the inevitable revision of the map on nationalist lines

Lothian responded by taking its conquerors captive, as conquered Greece had once captivated Rome

The culture of the conquered territory exercised such an attraction upon the Scottish knigs ...

Wessex under the leadership of Alfred responded triumphantly and thereby became the nucleus of the historic Kingdom of England

Feudal System - military and social instrument

Each was vigorous so long as the pressure was formidable (Spain, Portugal, Austria)

Every one of the new gods appealed to some section of the Roman governing class. Mithra to the soldiers, Isis to the women, the heavenly bodies to the intellectuals

social heritage was so frail

covering his nakedness with his enslaver's cast-off clothes

living faith of a dying civilization

and afterwards of Cromwell's Ironsides, turned the English Constitution inside out and assured the ultimate success of oru experiment of parliamentary government.

They now had to negotiate at the conference table with Western Powers whom they could not defeat in the field, and they had to consider the feelings of their Christian subjects whome they could no longer be sure of holding down. ... diplomacists ... administrators ... necessary fund of experience

Zionists, psychological complex induced by centuries of penalization

potent alien force and suffer a disintigration of its own social fabric ... external proletariat

The Roman frontier reached the Elbe for a moment only, to withdraw immediately to the Rhine-Danube

anti-Hellenic reaction took a religious movement for its vehicle

Romano-Jewish war of AD 66-70

predecessors had failed

? for the Islamic Church became the chrysalis out of which the new Arabic and Iranic civilizations were in due course to emerge

Appalachians ... acquired civilization and then lost it

? drove the adherents of Islam out of the Iberian Peninsula but also, travelling on beyond its original objective, carried the Spaniards and Portuguese overseas to all the continents of the world.

Anatolia ... Constantinople was unsuccessfully beseiged ... frontier between the two powers settled down ... regularly raided

political expedient ... pernicious effects on the inward life and growth ... the evocation of a ‘ghost’ of the Roman Empire ... Leo the Syrian ... aggrandizement of the Byzantine State, at the expense of the Orthodox Church ... the death of the Orthodox Christian society in its original form and its original home.

Abyssinia ... on account of its sheer survival, in almost complete isolation from other Christian communities ... low cultural level (?) ... byword ... virtual impregnability of the highland fastness in which this fossil is ensconced. The wave of Islam and the mightier wave of our modern Western Civ have washed round ... escarpment .... Western visitors were explelled ... Japan ... impregnability ... new-born promise of collective security for a tormented Western World ... four foreign attacks during 16 centuries since adoption of Christianity repelled too quickly to be stimulating. Otherwise her experience has been a blank ... monotonous and meaningless violence against a background of apathy

some do not

audacious oceanic voyaging ... in exact equilibrium with the Pacific ... peers of the Minoans and the Vikings ... losing their grip upon the ocean

Eskimos ... audacity in grappling with the Arctic ... rigid conformation ... annual cycle ... tyranny of Arctic

Nomad ... Steppe

Ottoman ... elaborate education, with selection and specialization at every stage. Discipline was severe and punishment savage ... ambition ... potential Grand Vizier

a yet greater Christian society which has since cast its shadow over all mankind

Sparta ... equality was rigidly enforced. Every Spartiate held from the state an allotment of land of equal size, of equal productivity ... enable him to devole the whole of his own energies to the art of war ... condemned ... trained ... eugenic ... 53 years ... compelled to marry, was forbidden to lead a home-life ... eat and sleep in his barracks ... made the word ‘Spartan’ a by-word ... the Secret Service ... an official murder-gang, patrolling the countryside

Ottoman ... human beings and animals who could none of them survive on the Steppe without their partners ... The Eskimo's dog and the Nomad's horse and camel are half humanized by their partnership with man ... half dehumanized through being treated as cattle ... the Athenian is a man ... the Spartan is a war-robot

As for the Utopias, they are static ex hypothesi ... the ‘pegging’ at a certain level of an actual society which ... To arrest a downward movement is the utmost to which most Utopias aspire ... a profound hostility to Athenian democracy ... had developed a crazy militarism ... the judicial murder of Socrates

Athenian post-war philosophers was to repudiate everything that for two centuries past had made Athens politically great

the stability of the community ... ban on poets ... general censorship over ‘dangerous thought’ ... Shintoist Japan ?

a series of philosopher kings ... a thousand city states were living side by side in peace and concord under this philosophic-imperial aegis ... uninspired respectable prosperty ... chaotic passionate misery

The epsilons, who did the dirty work, really like it and want nothing else. They have been made that way in the pro-creational lab

it was decided that Hellas should be a world of cities and not of villlages, of agriculture ... of order


the requied discovery was made by Athens, who became ‘the education of Hellas’ ... from an extensive into an intensive process

how men fight and lose the battle, and the things that they fought for comes about in spite of their defeat, and when it comes turns out to be not what they meant, and other men have to fight for what they meant under another name.

that geographical expansion, or ‘painting the map red,' is no criterion whatever of the real growth of a civ. Sometimes we find that a period of geographical expansion coincides ... ?

Times of trouble produce militarism ... into channels of mutual destruction, and the most successful militarist becomes, as a rule, the founder of a universal state

Militarism ... by far the commonest cause of the breakdowns of civilizations ... by causing the local states into which the society is articulated to collide with one another in destructive fratricidal conflicts. In this suicidal process the entire social fabric becomes fuel to feed the devouring flame ...

expansion ... halt ... defensive ... performed those great acts of creation, in every field of social life ... Atheno-Peloponnesian War ... Alexander ... Hellenism expanded in Asian and the Nile Valley at the expense of all the other civs ... it continued to expand, under the Roman aegis ... Hellenic Civ was palpably in process of disintigration.

geographical expansion coinciding with deterioration in quality

from the Rhine to the Vistula

the Machine Age

technique improving while civilizatiosn remain static ... technique remains static while civilizations are in movement

Eskimos as fishermen ?

Mayan Society achieved ... metals

new plantation slavery ... old domestic slavery ... impersonal and inhuman ... grand scale

Hellenic Civ had gone to pieces and an interregnum had ensued out of which the new Western Civ eventually emerged

barbaric complexity of Elizabethan costume

The relatively primitive character of Henry V is revealed almost entirely in his responses

Macbeth ... equalled in importance by the hero's relations with himself ... Hamlet ... absorbed into the internal conflict ... the surging spiritual forces which this one personality holds within himself

Rome ... five or six centuries during which no serious challenge from the external environment was presented to it ... these centuries are a period of decline ... confronted by challenges to which it was failing to respond with success

Communism, unlike Islam, itself derived from a Western source, being a reaction from and a criticism of the Western Capitalism

materialist interpretation of history is an article of faith

Ford we may look forward to seeing the ascendency of the Western over the Russian Civ paradoxically confirmed

not accepted by his countrymen. They revere him as a saint, but they only follow his guidance in so far as he resigns himself to leading them along the path of Westernization

? Admiration is tempered by criticism ... one who has gone a long way and finds he has taken the wrong turning. To go back is impossible; how shall he proceed? Where will he find himself if he follows this path or that? ... What, after all, is its goal?

In so far as this grows and continues to grow, it has to reckon less and less with challenges delivered by external forces and demanding responses on an outer battlefield ... itself .. become its own environment and its own challenger

XI An Analysis of Growth

the great majority of the participant individuals are in the same stagnant quiescent condition as the members of a static primitive society

consent to take a hand in the work of the world from a sheer sense of duty, but in fact they did not

preaching this reconciliation in the name of the sect which he had formerly persecuted ... practical activity

improvised a new education to take the place of the obsolete ... manual labor

achieved what had never been achieved by the Gracchan agrarian laws or the imperial alimenta ... from below upwards, by evoking the individual's initiative through enlisting his religious enthusiasm


two crucial new departures

translating each of these elements in the social fabric of Rum into an ... Arabianized monotheism and his Arabianized imperium into a single master-institution ... institution of Islam ... imparting such titanic driving-force

two stages ... religious mission ... political enterprise

original basis of social articulation in W Civ feudalism

the Great Society into which Russia has now been incorporated ... play the part of a creative minority

others neither succumb nor succeed but manage to survive until the member which has succeeded shows them the new pathway, along which they follow tamely in the footseps of the pioneers. Each successive challenge thus produces differentiation within the society

Anna Comnena .. horror with contempt ... reaction to the mechanical ingenuity of the Crusaders' cross-bow

The individual energies of all the human beings who constitute the so-called ‘members’ of a society are the vital forces whose operation works out the history of that society, including its time-span

to ascribe the malady to degeneration is a false diagnosis

dissolution of a decadent soc ... emergence of a new ... related to it by affiliation ... Volker-wanderung in which the population ... ‘new blood’ ... from the ‘pure source’ of a ‘primitive barbarian race’

lack of fresh blood

output of energy in the days of the R

the periodicity of these minor movements, we may rather infer that the major movement which they bear along is not recurrent but progressive

we ... are not compelled to submit the riddle of our fate to ... still ... if we have .. then the ... cannot defeat our ...

Polybius ... restricting the size of families, by abortion or infanticide, as the principle cause of the social and political downfall of Greece in his day

Justinian and his architects adopted a new style because the old style had become distasteful

But when ... hitherto directed backward towards elders or ancestors as incarnations of an unchanging social tradition, is reoriented towards creative personalities

Industrial Rev ... demand for raw materials which plantation slave-labor produced

suggest that wars only occurred when matrimonial arrangements had got into an inextricable tange

mitrimonial diplomacy

‘not a gentelman’ Napoleon. War has now become total war, and it has become so because parochial states have become nationalist democracies

victorious British-American colonists to those among themselves who had sided with the mother country ... expelled ... by Great Britain, to the conquered French Canadians

End of 18th G.B. was the largest free-trade area in the Western World ... Industrian Rev began ... N.America ... abolished all commercial barriers ... become ... the largest free-trade area, and by direct consequence the mightiest industrialized community

in which Democracy would stand for fraternity and Industrialism for co-operation

would make for disruption

even an economic world order cannot be built on merely economic foundations

? If a solid religious basis was required for Gregory's unpretentious economic building, it seems unlikely, ...

The method of pacific adjustment is to counteract the maldistribution of private property which Industrialism inevitably entail by arranging for a deliberate, rational and equitable control and redistribution of private property through the agency of the state. By controlling key industries the state can curb the excessive power over other people's lives which is conferred by the private ownership of such industries

in this matter, as so often happens, it has been the unforeseen factors that have proved the most important

the introduction of universal elementary education

1870. The Yellow Press was invented some twenty years later--as soon, that is, as the first generation of children from ... purchasing power

If press-lords could make millions by providing idle amusement for the half-educated, serious statemen could draw, not money perhaps, but power from the same source

in countries where democratic education ... the people are in danger ... an intellectual tyranny engineered either by private exploitation or by public authority

the grosser forms of exploitation and propaganda

bringing state and anti-state into a working political unity

create the then already urgently needed international order

opportunity for adjustment

but they have one important negative merit : they foster a spirit of ‘live and let live’ between one religeon and another ... plurality .. taken for granted as a natural concomitant of a plurality of states and of cilivizations

there has never been any effective move to abolish or even to mitigate ‘untouchability’ on the part of the Brahmans

The social problem that awaits the creator when he returns from his withdrawal

sports are a conscious attempt to counterbalance the soul-destroying specialization ... Industrialism have invaded and infected sport itself .. professional athletes



People respond to a deal. It might not even be a real deal but when people hear it's a deal.

it's one of the falacies, when we look at Japan, of keeping rates low for a long period of time. Or this forward guidance of the Fed or any central bank, telling everybody ‘were gonna keep rates low,’ and they think that's stimulative. But it's not because after you get the initial rush of people taking advantage of low rates, then that sense of urgency ends. ‘Hey if rates are gonna stay low for a couple of years I don’t need to act now. I should wait.' It stops being stimulative, and then it starts to negatively impact bank lending.

Guys, this is the last month of the year! Let's get it cracking, let's get it going. Let's finish this year on a good note. Let's work as hard as we can in every aspect of life. Let's just go ahead and move forward. ... let's go ahead and talk about it.

We and every other company I know throw away materials because it's too expensive to do something with it. Labor is too expensive. ... “How to finish this?” “Just laquer it 10 times because laquer is a lot of work, and work is free.”

We thought we would never sell this table, because it was extremely expensive. And in fact this table has been the most successful table ever in our company. And the whole thing of using leftovers by adding an enormous amout of labor, has been a very important thing. And it's totally in contrast with what everybody does the world.

Good paintings actually don't give you an answer. I think they should block you off. You should be seduced into them. They should take you into them. But actually they shouldn't give you any answers. They should push you back out again. Constantly pulled and pushed, seduced in, pulled in, and pushed back out again. - Ian McKeever

Just look at this for the first time. IWhen I paint these paintings I try to leave them in a state whereby I've seen it for the first time. It's still a mystery to me. And I still don't understand it.

When you wake up in the morning you want to believe that the painting that youre painting at the moment, you've never seen it before and it takes you by surprise. ‘Is that what it is?’ I haven't seen that before.

You can't even ever say the same sentence again. Even if you use the same words, a different inflection or it will feel differently.

People in the media are paid to be curious, to ask questions, but most of them just want to lecture you. Consistently turns out interesting informative programming just by being curious. Just by asking obvious questions. That's all it takes. Care about what other people are saying. Watch the world around you.

surplus energy as an animal: reproduce, have misises, have homeostatis, ration of energy return to energy invested - Nate Hagens, talking to Daniel Schmachtenberger

person: .6 of a watt of power in a workday
1760 kwH from one barrel of oil
5 years of our work,
only have to pay for cost of extraction, if it's $50 per barrel
2500kalories inside, outside 200k per day in lights, airplanes, shopping centers, librariesl. massive use of energy outside the body, using the massive store of hydrocargons
global culture uses 500b barrels: 30b of oil, the rest coal and natgas
oil, coil and natgas. we have a global labor force of 500b people-equivalents, relative to 5b people workers

storage which is grain, and consumption, from a couple hunderd k to a m, but after agriculture 200m

before oil, 500m people. 500m to 8b because of industrial rev

we spend 10-14 calories (2 calories of fossil really, but 10-14 because of packaging, processing, delivering, cooking) for every calory we consume

there's a pegging between GPD and energy, and we're already getting a diminishing return (now we're fracking), ie higher requirement on capital, therefore:
we need to have more capital next year than this year to keep going
tf: larger and larger delta
have to keep innovating new ways to extract

What is cost of oil, cost to make more hydrocargons, or deal with environmental impact, or deal with the wars and geopolitical destabilization due to the result of it. We've underpayed for the main resource input to our economies, and not paid for the cost of the pollution at all.

Oil used for gasoline (40%), but also heating oil, diesel, fractions that get converted into Naptha asphalt tar, 6000 other products like aspirin, football helmets, plastics, fertilizers, condoms, tent.
We can reduce our demand for gasoline but not for oil, with renewables. So what do we do with the gasoline? flare it off? We can convert some of it but not all.

Dick Gephart: advanced policy, interventions, plans, bluebrints, that we are going to need soon, but are impossible politically or socially now. To build constituency into them and do reseach. Untax project. How it would actually manifest. If you pay the right prices now (rather than kick the can forward), it spurs innovation and development in the right areas for the long term.

You ask people what are the best experiences of their life, it's unlikely to be something with huge exosomatic energy use, it's more likely to be something with their friends and family, or in nature. So we have to re-tether how we measure success in our lives, by more social capital and less tech-heavy stuff, to be pilots of what's possible. Not cultureal wide maybe, but with a good number of people, to be like scouts.

We have to change and deepen culture as a basis for what we're trying to acheive

The game theory of nations. Fucked up collection action programs, races to the bottom

What you do, that's a formula that a lot of people are going to use


Hedonism is a viable response to nihilism. I can die failing, trying, but I can't not be applying myself to see if there's a way through.

I was exposed to all these things, through reading or whatever, young enough that all the other ways of living, that don't ensure that living gets to keep happening, just seem nonsensical, they couldn't even compute as a thing that I could do

The things that keep me going are conversations like this. I have 6 or 7 people in my network, and each time I talk to them it's like a shot of adrenaline.

Friends, dogs, and nature, are what keep me going.

As long as I can remember, I have always loved numbers and puzzles and patterns. Sometimes because of the way it's taught. the innate mathematical ability doesn't feel connected the way we learn math. - Terence Tao

The class will be about talking about problem solving. We abstract them, we break them up into pieces, we make analogies, we try to find connections with other problems. We make a game.

I was doing one thing and I moved to this, to study and teach it.

I had to change my mind. I started out as an ordinary broke economist. ... I felt that my little contribution to the world would be that through economics, help to alleiviate poverty a little bit.

I had a hard time chosing a major. Because I like science, and I liked humanities. And I didn't wanna give up either one in preference for the other. So I thought social science. Well that's a compromise, and economics looked like the most interesting, has a foot in the ethics humanities and the other foot in the world of physical sciences.

And there I had Nicholas Jarjowski-Rogan. And all the students were scared of him because he was kind of fierce. And I was required to take his course. And it really opened my eyes. ‘Well this guys really got it right.’ So I became his devoted student.

I'd been unhappy with the lack of grounding in economics. I wanted something a little more solid.

One of the roots of scarcity in the physical world is the entropy law, and the laws of thermodynamics generally.

Earlier economists thought the economy was everything. And that made sense if the economy was very small relative to the total ecosystem, and you could assume the larger system was basically infinite. You couldn't hurt it. You could take from it without depleting it. You could throw waste into it without polluting it. Because it was so large.

The economy grew, and the environment stayed basically the same size. And these issues now occupy center stage and have to be taken into account. Have to consider the capacity of the biosphere to support life, an externaltiy, while it's destroying that biosphere.

Will politics and power and momentum (also intellectual investments, also a religeous or ideological or idolotrous idea that people are all-powerful, not subject to limits) are not allow for better, longterm sustainable governance things to be incorporated into our system?


“Kony is my brother and Museveni is my president. I didn't vote for them, but fact is fact."

attempted to comprehend existentially the phonomena of fratricidal violence and cultural and social breakdown , when the outside world, however, tended to blame the local culture

a boy or girl becomes a a person (odoko dano) when he or she is able to take advice from elders and also contribute to household maintenance. Yet in a deeper sense it refers to when young people become mature enough to have children of their own ... cultural agency is complete

Anyone who wants it in his heart can drink the bitter root and reconcile ... can thus be forgiven for any violent deed they are responsible for

willingness to forgive them, for rather pragmatic reasons. People just want peace, full stop.

Museveni's mentality makes him a typical colonizer. An African colonizer.

Why should the religeous leaders and cultural chiefs mislead the people, but not be honest and speak ..

Museveni must apologize
forced displacement ... looting of cattle

no structural inequality between the parties ... ritual performance manifests equality. Members of both the offending and offended parties consumed the bitter root, always on neutral ground in the uncultivated bush, symbolically selected on the path between two homesteads. There were always occasions of great feasting and happy feelings, everyone sharing food and drink. ... reconciliation cannot be hierarchical in the sense that one party forgives the otehr only.

The rebels cannot accept anything so long as they are denied equality. The more ignored ...

Oput cannot work much at this time. Right now, what we need is negotiations, trying to talk ...

must include inquiries into the complexity of the local social realities and their particular histories.

Museveni is still in Uganda as president because the only language he understands is that of the barrel of the gun. We are not going to be intimidated ...

amnesty laws and cultural practices .. funciton ... as weapons of war and mistrust rather than as tools of genuine peacemaking ... replace political efforts ...

You cannot have justice if you don't have peace.

the structures which encourage violence have not been changed

to cut off the grass straw ... basically agree to disagree, not reconciling but cutting off the bitter debate in order to be able to proceed. ... Then I say jalo--anyway, it is okay, nothing to do. But I didn't forgive you. It is to accept the situation so life can go on.

AFTER APPOMATTOX of which I only read like a chapter

Trying to appeal to Lee without making any promises

? '. By allowing the United States to utilize war powers years after battlefield fighting stopped, the continuation of wartime gave the \:national government the necessary authority to suppress the rebellion, con-\solidate its forces, and fashion effective civil rights.

? Constitutional protections that we still take for granted-due process,equalprotection,birthnghtcitizenship,thevote-were byproducts of martial law.

war sound not be ‘brought to a close’ until civil authority was fully restored, and the states had returned to Congress

Until Congress seated the final representatives from the rebel states

? was as a ‘state of affairs’ which ‘may exist even while its operations are not continued’

To lawyers and policymakers, wartime did not necessarily mean battles ... it meant a legal state

War had to be legally defined ... useful but dangerous powers for government

In the COnstitution, Americans defended their republican experiment from centralized military tyranny by protecting trial by jury and the privelege of habeas corpus

placed the armed forces at the service of the local government by generally making the president's intervention dependent upon a request from the legislature

in cases of insurrection ... for undermining the war effort ... the public Safety requires

because \ it can be shown that the same could not be lawfully taken in time of peace, than I can be persuaded that a particular drugis not good medicine for a sick man,because it can be shown to not be good food for a wellone:_'

ending slavery required disregarding state laws

new rights ... were created inlegal rhetoric and also in blood, sometimes at gunpoint and frequently througLmartiallaw.

construct a reliable freedom

calling the post-Appomattox period an occupation ...

While residents retained their citizenship, they in other ways could be treated essentially as an occupied people

Effective occupation requires one soldier for every twenty residents, but this contemporary meaures confuses our ability to understand the nineteenth century.

most occupations work through elite collaborators

Republicans and freedpeople learned that they could construct a new peace, but they could not hold it.

It is easy, but inaccurate, to see rebels stacking their arms as proof that they had surrendered their cause ... biding their time

recognized that civilians, not soldiers, would have to determine the timing of peace


explain in great detail to the people of the state of New York ...

whether societies of men are really capable or not of establishing good government from reflection and choice ... accident and force

affects too many particular interests, innovates upon too many local institutions ... of views, passions, and prejudices little favorable to the discovery of truth

the people must cede to it some of their natural rights, in order to vest it with requisite powers

into separate confederacies and give to the head of each the same kind of powers which they are advised to place in one national government

one united people ... descended from the same ancestors, speaking the same language, professing the same religeon, attached to the same principles of government, very similar in their manners and customs ... fighting side by side ... established their general liberty and independence.

split into a number of unsocial, jealous and alien sovereignties

tends most to preserve the people in a state of peace with other nations

acknowledgements, explanations, and compensations are often accepted as satisfactory from a strong united nation, which would be rejected as unsatisfactory if offered by a State of confederacy of little consideration or power

submit, humiliation

READING LAW - Scalia & Garner

law, without equity, though hard and disagreeable ... infinite confusion

that Congress be able to legislate against a background of clear interpretive rules, so that it may know the effect of the language it adopts

a mooring ... the preditability ... unequal treatment .. weakened our democratic processes ... checks and balances

By convention ...

interpretive conventions

a breakdown in the transmission of this heritage ...

uncertainty and confusion ... all-but-universal means of understanding

The descent into social rancor over judicial decisions is largely traceable to nontextual means of interpretation, which erode society's confidence in a rule of law

shifting of political blame

the politicizing of judges (and hence of the process of selecting them)

it will narrow the range of acceptable judgements

their own policy preferences

legislative free-riding

the best legal thinkers have said for centuries

relieve judges of all doubts and misgivings about their interpretations

certainty in the law ... greater respect

the committment of legal arbiters to abide ...

the preference for the rule of law over the rule of men depends upon the intellectual integrity of interpretation

can will nothing ... mere legal discretion ... discerning the course prescribed by law


widsom has come late

wisdom continues




immunity-conferring language is sweeping


where statues did not exist, the law was the product of judicial invention ... no accepted common law for courts to ‘discover’

in an age when democratically prescribed texts (statues, ordinances, regulations) are the rule, the judge's principal funciton is to give those texts their fair meaning.

yeild ... they deem socially desireable results--usually at the behest of an advocate for one party to a dispute

that courts are ‘better able...’

enfeebles the democratic pollity

subject themselves to intensified political pressures

judiciary incrementally take control of larger and larger swaths of territory

legal realists ... knowledgeable that the wise already possessed and the foolish could not be trusted with. ... that judges did not really ‘find’ the common law but invented it over time


They do not ‘give new content’ to the statues, but merely apply the content that has been there all along, awaiting ...

judicial hegemony

most interpretive questions have a right answer ... distemper

What apsiring lawyers learn in the first, formative year of law school is how to discern the best (most socially useful) answer to a legal problem, and how to distinguish the prior cases that stand in the way of that solution.

the remarkable principle that words need not be construed to mean what they say

to show how and why they apply

the cause is not: the desire for freedom from the text, which enables judges to do what they want

In our adversarial system, one side--the side with a bad argument--has an incentive to urge departure from (or distortion of) text

often quote this statement to justify readings that defy the text

proposing yet another novel approach, we seek a return to the oldest and most commonsensical interpretive principle

elcits ... better drafting ... decision-making

in the broad sense, everyone is a textualist

textualism is not well designed to achieve ideological ends

replaced with abstractly conceived ‘purposes’ or interpreter-desired ‘consequences’

in a textualist culture, the distortion of the willful judge is much more transparent

manipulability ... a number of purposes ... legal pickpocketing

objective of justice (equal treatment)


the purposivist ... goes beyond the immediate purpose ... climbs the ladder of generality ... to find another purpose--often a highly abstract one

no statue, and no private instrument for that matter, pursues its ‘broad purpose’ at all costs

consequentialism ... pragmatism ... sensible, desireable results

straightforward expressions of denoation

the invisble, unratified (non)document that restricts future democratic choice consists of whatever is ...

constraints of a controlling text

lack cachet

From long-standing, traditional practices

subjective intent

In contract, as elsewhere, it must go by externals, and judge parties by their conduct

The question is not what the writer meant, but what he conveyed to those who heard or read (meaning of ratification)

objective meaning

words and text are chosen to embody intentions and thus replace inquiries into subjective mental states

the subjective intention of Parliament cannot be considered

incoherent, not genuinely followed, or in plain violation of our constitutional structure


refer to all uncertainties of meaning as ambiguities

ambiguous when the question of which of two or more meanings applies; it is vauge when ... uncertain application

firearms are normally employed ... the phrase Using a firearm

vagueness ... intentional ... "reasonable, best efforts, equal protection" ... cannot pacticably be spelled out in detail or even forseen

it is merely vague, broad, or general

how a reasonable reader, fully competent in the language, would have understood the text at the time it was issued

suppression of personal preferences

the purpose of the text

objects not comprehended in them

TOYNBEE CHAPTER XI ‘Law and Freedom in History’

Spengler, Decline of the West, ?that this civilization should go the way of its predecessors, or were we free to retrieve our mistakes and fashion our own destiny?

it is not made by man and cannot be altered by him


translated to the metaphysical plane

For other minds, in whose vision the person of the Iegis-lator or ruleris eclipsedby the notion of thelaw that he administers,


to be natures masters at the cost of being her slaves


has to abandon certainty in order to embrace hope and fear

nations ... have ranged

the anthropomorphic guise beyond which the human imagination seems unable to penetrate

wrought ... travail

Laws of Nature display a regularity of a recurrent movement

in vacuo

to accord neither with Christianity nor with common sense. Its defects are unsparingly exposed

Christian ... universal, providential, apocalyptic, and periodized ... he knew it by revelation ... foreknown

work of this claryfying kind

the blindest of all the blind are those who are unable to examine their own presuppositions, and blithely imagine that they do not possess any

a prisoner unconscious of his chains




Social History

The number of recorded civilizations is inconveniently small ... fragmentary

the soul had some say in the matter

industrialization ... transition ... stability

tendency to subside into a state of equilibrium ... in its infancy

feasible ... parochial ... at our disposal ... fastness ... Spain ... France ... Germany ... the area of belligerency

wars for the preservation of the establishment of a Modern Western universal state

sensationally futile but ominous

not simply a case of a wheel revolving four times in vacuo and coming round each time to the position in which it had started

an over-mighty and presumptuous neighbor and eventually showing him that his pride has led him to a fall

destructive .. morally

amortization ... struggles

occasion, symptm, or even cause of breakdown has been the outbreak of an exceptionally violent war between the parocial states of which the society has been composed


the historical journey, from the breakdown of a civilization to its final dissolution

a universal state is apt to die hard, and a Roman Empire which went to pieces ... the catastrophe of Adrianople in AD 378 (400 years after its establishment by Auustus) ... its final dissolution

Growth takes place whenever a challenge evokes a successful response that, in turn, evokes a further and different challenge. We have not found any intrinsic reason why this process should not repeat itself indefinitely, even though a majority of the civilizations that had come to birth down to the time of writing might have failed, as a matter of historical fact, to maintain their growth by failing to make, for more than a small number of times in succession, a response that had been both an effective answer to the challenge that had called it forth and at the same time a fruitful mother of a new challenge requiring a different response.

in time ... cut short by a breakdown

medieval Trans-alpine institution of Parliament

had not yet been successfully met by Western Man, but he had come to be acutely conscious of its menace

rhythm ... struggle between two tendencies of unequal strength. There is a dominant tendency which prevails ... against repeated counteracting moves ... asserts ... The struggle sets the pattern ... persistence ... refusing to resign ... series of successive cycles ... dominance

overthrow ... maintenance, of a balance of power--a course that in each case ends in the overthrow of the balance ... restore

flowing in a current whose headway would eventually bring these rhythmic fluctuations to an end ... the passage of time had usually mitigated against the defenders

like a physical revolution of a cartwheel, have a way of forwarding, through their own monotonously repetitive, circular motion, another movement with a longer rhythm which, by contrast, can be seen to be a cumulative progress in one direction, which ultimately reaches its goal and, in reaching it, brings the series to an end.

but, whether his dogma of inevitability was right or wrong, he hadrly attempts to prove it ... the situation created ... through military prowess

Arab Muslim war-bands

the resounding defeat of this cultural militayr enterprise had protended the ultimate total disappearance of the intrusive culture

so long as the subjugated societies had reacted by replying in kind, they had been courting defeat



Garibaldi in AD 1860 when he ‘conquered’ Sicily and Naples with a force of 1000 volunteers in red shirts, supported by two little guns with were taken round for show, without being provided with ammunition. The Kingdom of the Two Sicilies was conquered by the martial missionary of Italia Una because it wanted to be conquered.

protests against an undesired uniformity

never more than temporarily successful struggle to establish

some new form

irrepressible appetite for a plurality ... to reflect the apparent ...

how a series of generations can achieve

within the span of a single lifetime

religeon and class ... the family, and not the individual, is the intelligible unit

three generations to make ‘gentlefolk'


The relation between the external anxieties felt by the representatives of an adult generation--anxieties that are directly conditioned by the social position of the people who feel them--and the inward, automatically operating, anxieties of these people's children ... procession of successive generations

some other representative of this relatively novel form of society might succeed some day in opening up some hitherto unknown avenue for an unprecendented spiritual advance, by finding some less prohibitively costly device than forcible imposition of a universal state

response to the challenge of Islam accounts

History is ... interaction


but notoriously he fails to do so, and his failure must be due either to incompetence or to malevolence

? Without a mother, no strong love focused on a personal object; without such love, no conflict of irreconcilable influences, no guilt; and, without such guilt, no effective moreal sense.

shrinking from ... speculative ... given eleven hostages

two enlightening decades ... abandoning a standpoint ... possible to see in true perspective ... from a non-Western angle of vision

offspring of a distorting egocentric illusion ... succumbed


gratified by an attention that he had never before received

omission of this duty

Western society alone was possibly still in its growth phase

expansion ... radiation ... ambit

all Mankind's eggs had been gathered into one precious and precarious basket

linked ... shrunk ... mad days for all

held the fate of all Mankind

untravelled ... mutation

We had raised it only to dismiss it

examine the testimony of the civilizations themselves

Charlemagne ... disappointed .. empire ... Spain and France ... the appeal to local patriotism and personal liberty inspires resistence which breaks down the efforts of every conqueror ... anarchy


Fratricidal warfare

gone into economic partnership ... to increase their output and their income ... specialized ... ceased to be autarkic

emergence ... militarism

a Western society that was still being worsted by war could take heart from its record on other spiritual battlefields ... unrestricted economic individualism ... totalitarian control of economic activities by the state ... democracy on education ... semi-educated public

Had the fanatically positive Judaic religeons been discredited beyond repair by the incriminating record of intolerance ... How long would Western souls find it bearable to go on living without religeon?

objects for their frustrated devotion

those who felt that they no longer ‘belonged’

Where the grievances were mainly economic, the channel was Communism

professed ... to have risen superior ... vein of insincerity was a flaw in Communism's moral armor


resisted by the counter-operation of the spirit of Christianity

in practically all Western countries

there had been, in the past half-century, an immense practical advance towards social justice in every department of life

social justice had been secured at the cost of a minimal sacrifice of individual liberty

accelerating rapidity of the social change that this mastery was bringing about (jj Tech: gives power ‘too much’ to those who didn't before have)


number of Great Powers

The Russian people's habitual temper was one of docile resignation, the American's one of obstreperous impatience

Americans had learnt from their own history to think of it as an evil institution which any people could overthrow at will ... in a personal liberty which they rather oddly identified with equality

differences made it difficult for the two peoples to understand and trust each other (jj China)

arena ... menaced ... unprecedentedly rapid progress of technology

choice, now open to it, between an American and a Russian way

Militarism is a matter not of technology but of psychology--the will to fight. ... exhiliarating .. most interesting topic in their field

Hitler ... AD 1956 it seemed doubtful whether another Hitler--if another were ever to arise--could perform the same tour de force again ... Napoleon in St. Helena had still described war as a belle occupation; but it may be doubtful whether he would have applied the phrase to atomic warfare

Asia ... passive obedience ... to sacrifice his life, even in an aggressive war which meant nothing to him personally ... it might look as if the Chinese and Russian peasant-soldier had given his government a blank cheque drawn on his life ... a limit ... give the screw just one turn too many ... forfeiture of their mandate to rule

rather than make any political concession to the United States that, in Russian eyes, would be tantamount to submission to an American ascendancy

American people had been one of the most unmilmitary, yet at the same time one of the most martial

discipline ... ambition to see their country win ... accustomed ... using them at their own discretion

for the possession of North America

not be doubted that the American people would indeed be prepared to face the terrors of a war with the Soviet Union rather than make any concession to the Soviet Union that, in American eyes, would be tantamount to submission to a Russian ascendancy

will to war ... atomic warfare ... To die for a country or a cause becomes a gratuitous and meaningless act ... the country will perish ... the cause ... catastrophe

become imperative ... but it could not be abolished unless the control of atomic energy could be concentrated in the hands of some single political authority (jj new country)

to resort to the old-fashioned expedient of ordeal by battle ... means by which one broken-down civilization after another had passed out of its Time of Troubles into its universal state

policy which had come to be called ‘peaceful co-existence’

felt it to be impracticable as well as intolerable to asquiesce in leaving the allegiance of Society divided for an indefinite time to come between the true faith (their own) and a damnable heresy (their adversary's). But the history of the Western Wars of Religeon bore witnes that spiritual issues could not be settled by force of arms (jj religeon unites and alies to higher, but conflicts btw cant be settled by physical defeat)

no choice by to reconcile itself

?they could not guess which of these alternatives was to be the ending of their own saga

was making for a reef which its crew would not be able to circumnavigate


At the time when these words were being written no one could know

so far as technology ... World Government was already quite practicable proposition

not proved as ineffective as its critics sometimes asserted. On the other hand, UNO was evidently incapable of becomming the embryo of a world government. The realities of the distribution of power ... unrealistic principle of ‘one state, one vote’ ... bringing a ficticious equality of states ... five Powers ... confederacy ... and it was notorious that the history of political institutions knew of no case in which that gulf had been crossed by any other process than a revolutionary leap.

The virtues that made the US incomparably preferable stood out conspiciously against a Communist Russian foil.

reluctance to be drawn into playing this role at all. ... ancestors of all American citizens

-h=ad been moved to pluck up their roots in the Old World and to 8tart life again in the New WorJd by a yearning to extricate themselves from the affairs of a continent whose dust they had demonstra-tively shaken from off their feet; and the buoyancy of the hope with which they had made their withdrawal was matched by the poignancy of the regret with which the living generation of Americans was making its compulsory return. The compulsion was,as we have seen, an aspect of that ‘anoihilation of distance’ which was making the Old and the New ,rorld one and indivisible. But the ever-increasing clearness with which this compulsion was being recognized was not diminishing the reluctance with which it was being accepted.

generosity ... commanded vast endeveloped resources

American post-war reconstruction policy ... Marshall plan and other measures ... set on their feet again ... the goodwill of the American taxpayer ... The Marshall Plan set a new standard for which there was no comparable historical precedent. ... in America's own interests, on a long and enlightened view

Western European ... some American decision ... no say, might bring Russian atomic weapons down upon their heads (jj US saves everyone but now a voicelesss and a spectator and a subject if America decides anything)

its fiat is law upon the subjects to which it confines its interposition ... wisdom and justice and equity are the invariable characteristics of the dealings of the US ... resources ... isolated position ... situation ... invulnerable (jj world power has pursued a policy based on invulnerability(unlike Europe and other countries) but distances and tech are making it now newly vulnerable

virtual monopoly ... pregnant with a constitutional problem which could be solved only by some form of federal union

a problem of employment comparable to the problem of government

cancel the benefits of technologicial progress by continuing to raise the numbers of the World's population pari passu with each successive increase in the means of subsistence. At the same time the industrial workers were threatening to cancel the benefits of technological progress by limiting production through trades-union restrictive ...

The workers' ultimate adversary was an impersonal collective power that was both more potent and more elusive ... identifyable

1949 - shorthand-typists


middle-class ethos. This class's traditional zest for work was being sapped by a progressive restriction of the field for private enterprise. Inflation and taxation were making nonsense of its traditional virtues of strenuous earning and thrifty saving. ... reduce the size of its families. The loss of personal domestic service ... loss of leisure ... middle-class woman ... the maintenance of high middle-class standards

into public service ... altruistic motive of public service ... redirection of a hitherto predatory class's abilities to public service ... weakness ... ambivalence of a civil-service ethos ... lack of zest ... disinclination to take the initiative or to incure risks

Red tape ... part played by formalities and routine

Capitalism's driving-force ... deontentiated ... diverted

Capitalism is essentially a process of economic change ... Stabilized Capitalism is a contradition in terms.

equanimity to the demise of the capitalist system


by raising the economic and social standards of the wage-earning classes to a middle-class level ... based, as it was, on a number of illusions ... reduced to the fundamental illusion of isolationism

a philosophy of life which was not applicable to the whole of it might not be applicable to any part of it in the long run

banned all freedom of private enterprise

ethos ... COmmunism ... offering him a purpose transcending ... The mission of converting the World to Communism ... exhilarating ... more than the right to take profits or the right to strike

delusion of isolationism ... World's peasantry ... Peru .. affinity ... a specious appearance of veracity ... was resident within ... hysterical

dontrinaire ... Anglo-Scandinavian ... ‘socialism’ ... depreciatory in the mouths of its American critics

Personal liberty is an indispensible condition for any human achievement ... social justice is the sovereign rule of the game of human intercourse ... creative ... two theoretic extremes ... diverse ratios ... ‘Democracy’ ... disinterred ... an obligatory shibboleth

smoke-screen ... ideals of Liberty and Equality. The only genuine reconciliation between these conflicting ideals was to be found in the mediating ideal of Fraternity ... Fraternity was beyond the reach of human beings so long as they trusted exclusively to their own powers.

trembling balance ... spanner ... material conditions of life have been carried out at a speed with which cultural changes have failed to keep pace

projections, into the future, of tendencies ... China .. crops from the Americas in the sixteenth centry ... maize in China circa 1550AD, sweet potatoes AD 1590, pea-nuts a few years later,

peasantry's habit of breeding up to the limit

some ecumenical authority would have made itself responsible for lookin after ... children ... ubiquitous impersonal disciplinary power

The industrial workers would resent the assumption that it was morally incumbent on them to provide sustenance for an unrestricted increase in the number of peasant mouths. The peasantry, on their side, would feel aggrieved at being threatened with the loss of their traditional freedom to reproduce their kind on the plea that this was the only alternative to starvation ... the gulf ... greater

peasantry would still be expending most of its additional supply of commodities on increasing its numbers, and the industrialized workers expending most of theirs on raising their standard of living

would not exorcize the spectre ... at bay ... reducing the most advanced

Western Man has brought himself into danger of losing his soul through his concentration on a sensationally successful endeavor to increase his material well-being

bringing them to a mutual understanding

a minority of a minority--by the purposeful few among a priveleged class

pre-industrial age (jj seventh, freedom from seasons)

deranged ... tender of machines ... chronic industrial warfare

value of freedom ... more than the value of the remuneration

trades-union restrictive practices which had been devised as a form of organized inefficiency

How would Mankind use this prospective universal leisure?

such spiritual betterment as would qualify him to use it well? ... It is only by seeking [that] he will find

relaxation of tension ... deterioration of human quality

our only objective is popularity and enjoyment ... the true spiritual treasure that is to be found in putting one's heart into what one is doing and in winnig a recognition that is truly worth having (jj education on how to use free time)

irreducible minimum of psychic energy that wil linsist on discharging itself through one channel or another ... also a maximum limit


contribution is to give us a vision ... the move in a frame ... six dimensions

If we are right in 8eeing in History a vision of God's creation on the move, we shall not be surprised to find that, in human minds whose innate receptivity to the impress of History is presumably alway8 much the same on the average, the actual strength of the imlression vanes m accordance with the recipient's historical cir-cumstances, Mere receptivity has to be reinforced by and curiosity will be stimulated only when the process of social change i8 vividly and violently apparent.

without a response as well as a challenge

Modern Western society's insatiable curiosity to conquer ... eleven lost and forgotten civilizations

had been lost and brought to life again

great catastrophes ... challenging Man's natural optimism ... finest efforts (how bad it gets. in dire, even most banal and reticent become martyrs and revolutionaries, Poland Jews, by that time I am dead. I was one of the second or third to die, the intellectual class)

a generation born round about AD 1860, it had seemed evident, by the close of the 19th century, that a triumphantly advancing Western civ had now carried human progress to a point at which it could count on finding the Earthly Paradise just round the next corner. How was it ... war ... wickeness ... brought ... both of them located outside W Europe two great powers left

still undiluted Early Modern Western ‘Renaissance’ education in Hellenism

wholesome effect of rendering its recipients immune against the malady of cultural chauvinism. ... could not easily fall into an error of seeing ... the best ... without referring them to ...

a book written in another world more than 2300 years ago might be the depository of experiences which, in the reader's world, were only just beginning to overtake the reader's own generation ... philosophically contemporaneous

some classical parallel that would have, for him, a greater value

four hundred years ... Western society ... thrust itself into contact with no less than eight other representatives of its own species in the Old World and the New ... questing Westerners ... Colombus and da Gama

multiplying his terms of comparison more than tenfold (one day someone knew everything. then info increased. but our resource is greater jj)


English ... not intelligivle as a thing-in-itself ... as part of a larger whole ... contains parts ... subject to identical stimuli or challenges but react to them in different ways ... the articulation ... another society which is now dead, namely the Greco-Roman or Hellenic society ... “affiliated” (levels of dead-ness)

Hellenic society, unlike the other affiliated ... did not take over a religeon discovered ...

Egyptiac society had no predecessor and no successor

(jj sub-societies too?)

primitive societies ... much more numerous but also very much smaller individually

six have emerged direct from primitive life

as a response to a challenge in a situation of special difficulty which rouses him to make a hitherto unprecedented effort

Minoan ... founders ... Africa (?)

A dominant minority is, by def, a ruling class that has ceased to lead and has become oppressive

New England (because better spot available to travel to jj)

The superiority of the response evoked by new ground

a sudden crushing defeat ... stimulate the defeated party to set its house in order and prepare to make a victorious response

the challenge of expanding Hellenism proved too much for the Celts but was victoriously answered by their successors the Teutons ... the fifth response, that of Islam, was successful

Europeans colonists with a severer challenge than ‘Dixie’ and evoked a better response (Massachusetts), but Labrador, presenting a severer challenge still, proved too much for them. Chinese ... to Malaya ... California

Celtic ... Vikings ... swallowed and absobed


It might seem that, once a civiliazation ... its growth would be a matter of course ... achieved existence

inter-insular ... their several now isolated

slave ‘household’

fatal rigidity

Military expansion ... a result of militarism, which is itself a symptom of decline ... technique ... no correlation

henceforth are internal rather than external, spiritual rather than material

a society is a system of relations between individuals ... All growth originates with creative individuals or small minorities of individuals ... achievement ... conversion ... mass undergoing the actual experience .. or by their imitation of its externals ... mimesis

Athens ... Italy ... England (where were these people a generation earlier?)

in the hope of the same harvest

failure of creative power in the creative minority ... withdrawal of allegiance ... majority ... loss of social unity in the society as a whole

a society is not an organism


successful aggression occurred AFTER the breakdown