If you look at the point in the past 50 years where America had the most challenges, the weakest leadership, 2024 might be one of China's strike points.

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About 15 or 20 years after it because the obvious issue to the substantial minority of thinkers.

Arizona GOP chairman Jeff DeWit resigns amid bribe allegations involving Kari Lake - YouTube

'These [Five Eyes, or US Canada Aus NZ UK) are not separate governments. They are one government.' - Tucker. What defines the boundaries of a government?

China may in the future be ruled by lawyers (like the US now) instead of peasants fairly ruthless politicians plus some educated engineers, because of where virtued classes are coming from (it's valued as virtue siganalling coming from Harvard or MIT). Samo. Educated in universities rather than political circles.
Both China and US are gerontocratic. A generation war aspect. But China is homogenous.
If you have econ conditions where a college degree is most valuable, and women do better at college, and the default idiology of the college is somewhat feminist, you can have diverging politics then between men and women. Samo. So if China had woke, it would probably be gender-focussed rather than race. ‘The rise of Chinese feminism’. ‘Actually low fertility rates are the fault of patriarchy because they violated the autonomy of womens bodies by forcing abortions on them during the one-child policy’ could be a 10 years from now slogan. ‘As a result there are not enough of us women.’ China doesn't have many women top government officials or CEOs. They do have, like Iran has, many women in STEM, women do well in hard sciences. Lots are educated as engineers.
Along pathological lines like in SKorea, could happen in China?

Might see greater respect for laywers in China. Maybe even for journalists, who also work with words.
Shift from tech founders (who are bootstrap peasants) to more educated people, a possible negative for the country.
Chinese Harvard will dominate. When universities as such are empowered.
The difference between the American student and the Chinese student won't be so great. Chinese universities prestige is currently rising. Less of the brightest students will go to USA.
China's schools may also then degrade, hardening into disfunction, where credentials are divorced from real competance, and the government will become incompetent.