Hidden cameras reveal how big banks are upselling you (Marketplace) - YouTube
Some things they do are illegal, reportedly.
Bank workers get points for what they sell to customers.
‘I shouldn’t have to think more about my target than the client's wellbeing and their intersts.'
It appears the bank workers are talling customers to just pay part of their credit card interest. There's no way they can invest the rest and make 20% or something close to cover the interest.

Japan OKs stealth jet exportsーNHK WORLD-JAPAN NEWS - YouTube

Microsoft launches AI PCs - YouTube
Have a NPU chip to do AI tasks faster.
$30 per month to use Copilot already on Win11 Business.
Attempt to get more businesses to pay for Copilot on the expectation of efficiency. So far people say there are problems with it.
Besides Nvidia, no one has really made any money off AI. Could be a move to non-Nvidia companies making money off AI. The software opportunity after the hardware opportunity (everyone will have the hardware, and it'll be a question Who has the best app and stickiest services).
Microsoft, however, owns part of OpenAI.
Microsoft is a company that makes money.
Intel will provide the CPUs for these devices.