The Failure of Modern Technology | Peter Thiel - YouTube

‘industrial power is the basis of any great civilization’
You need fullstack factories.
They're Reimagining How to Build Anything | Hadrian - YouTube
You cannot be missing one part of a product. You need to be able to access ie produce it.

Lawfirm Loses $60K Relying on ChatGPT in the Courtroom - YouTube
It will make up stuff because it's easier than looking up stuff - Lehto
Remarkable not reliable.

The Future of Bitcoin Mining - YouTube

Tech Stagnation and What's Holding Us Back - YouTube
Burja called cellphones portable terminals, on which all we really get tech wise is install app updates, like chatGPT you can talk to. The last thing before chatGPT was maybe GoogleMaps. Facebook/Myspace. Internet has now reached everyone. There's no doubling of how many people use the internet. Also we can't really increate the amount of time we spend on the internet. What more can companies monetize?
Facebook had been considering becomming the main internet provider for India (before Zuck decided to go for metaverse), but regularatory challenges ...
There are no fully 3d printed products (just parts), a fully funcitoning, multi-material, moving parts product.

If cars came along now, the dangers would maybe not be acceptable (as they were because cars were introduced so early). Maybe speed limits would be set at double the pace of walking or something. Samo

The industrial world remains unoptimized. The software gains of getting everyone to use spreadsheets have already been gotten, while those of putting cameras everywhere in the factory have not been explored much. Samo

The White House Endorses Rust - YouTube
To prevent Memory attacks. Don't write in C, C+. Use C#, Go, Java, Python, Rust and Swift. For space systems, it was noted in the brief. Currently people are disincentivized from Rust because there's not a lot of jobs that use it. Solana is written in Rust. Some people think Rust is a fad. But if government jobs start asking for Rust would lead to people learning it. It's a challenging language. It would add cost to projects. But there would be costs saved in fixing exploited code.
This seems like actually decent advice from an untrusted source. Goals aligned.
You can write a custom kernel that is flat and runs baremetal on a rPi to do a blink light rust runs on EVERYTHING (no operating system, just Rust) - YouTube with no need for linux/any OS.