Many people are uncomfortable with mRNA vaccines because they're only a step away, they're adjacent, from something that was going on on the Wuhan labs called Gain of Function research, which is basically biowarfare - Peter Thiel

All technologies, drab dystopian future, building the machines that will destroy the future.

AGI research people used to work hard on it, and say we have to find a way for it to coexist with us, but by 2015, Thiel said, it had devolved into people not really working on it very hard and people quite pessimistic about it's potential. From transhumanist to luddite. A superhuman AGI you would never know what its real intentions were. There was a problem, they avoided it for 20 years, and one day they woke up and the best thing they can do is hand out Cool-Aid, ala People's Temple, to everybody.

Another solution is a One World Totalitarian State.