"Saudi Arabia has become the dominant player and is now setting the rules." - Danil Sereda

"odds of another quarter-point hike at the next meeting on May 3 have increased from 48% to 57%"

"how the rise in oil prices will affect CPI expectations. Richard Excell writes in his recent newsletter that the same corn that is tied to oil prices through U.S. ethanol policy should also expect to move higher - a rise in food and energy prices will perhaps change expectations for CPI to fall further"
"They saw the price action in March where you had a 17% selloff followed by a 12% rally, and realized the market had succumbed to financial market players dictating price action, and price action moving away from fundamentals, and more to financial instruments (short sellers dictated action, and the Saudis have repeatedly said they don't like short sellers). And they really didn't like that. - Babin

The surprise would have reminded shortsellers and others that they (fundamentals) are in charge.

If price spikes above $100, that is not good for SA (because it reduces demand) or for US.