Martin Kulldorff: Fired by Harvard for getting Covid right - YouTube

Sundararajan: Chinese Government Might not Block the Sale of TikTok - YouTube
No opposition from Congress or China either?

Happiness has everything to do with 'family, life and adventure', says Harvard's Arthur Brooks - YouTube

Sweet Baby Inc: In bed with the Canadian Government? - YouTube

‘Bad data’ is data that contradicts, missing, conflicting, or data that does not correct.'

Apple Updates iMessage with Post Quantum Encryption - YouTube
Signal added postQuantumEncryption before Apple. Signal is OpenSource, so other messaging apps will perhaps add their protocol soon.
Frequently changing keys.
Apple mentioned Signal a lot in their post, perhaps because Signal did what they are doing, but did it first. Months before Apple. Basically everything Apple is doing is what Signal did months ago.
Signal had doubleRatchet for 10 years. OpenSource.
Apple paid some fancy scientists to review their messenger app to make sure it was super secure. However, MO says its less good because its still closedSource. Such a level of adversary will target the platform rather than the individual. They don't have to worry if you're using Qubes, Linux, whatever. They know you're using an iPhone.
With FOSS you don't have to just trust Apple and its scientists. You can actually review it.
It's an iron fortress but built upon sand, said MO.

New Satoshi emails might be a decoy, a Trojan Horse, a plant, and government maybe needs a new real crisis. From Debt to Hyperinflation: More Banks to Collapse As System Implodes, 'They Need a Crisis' – Zang - YouTube
A banking recet after a crisis makes a CBDC easier.
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