Sports Illustrated called out for articles by fake writers with AI profile photos - YouTube
Part of the reason we want people, not AI, in positions of responsibiltiy like journalism is because work is part of improvement, which results in a more proficient person. Ultimate decisions (such as will this thing be OK or harmful to us) are made by (influenced by, informed by, taught by) wise people. If people do not become professionals, there will be no experienced, wise people in these roles.


Judge Who Signed Newspaper Warrant Won't Be Disciplined - YouTube
‘The evidence did not support the search warrant.’ Instead of disciplining the magistrate, they just said ‘next time slow down.' First Amendment and journalists. Journalists' home, home of a council woman raided, alleging ‘identity theft. In the raid of the news office, police took computers and cell phones and took documents that revealed confidential sources for stories unrelated to the investigation. ‘Police weaponizing search warrants against journalists’ requiring police to get a subpoeina instead of a search warrant for journalists, in order to have the courts oversee what's happening when they do something with journalists. This way, journalists are brought into court and told to answer questions, rather than just kick down the door and take everything, which compromises journalism, and also looks like they're trying to shut down the paper/journalist.

The town tried to shut down the newspaper. Other newspapers nearby stepped up and said ‘we’ll help you get your editions out.'

Those reviewing whether the magistrate should be disciplined decided no because he hand't been found ‘incompetant.’ Their standard for that. ‘Just don’t cross the line of incompetance and you're ok.'

Commenter: 'If signing the warrant wasn't incompetent we can only assume it was malicious.' Another: ‘ Sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice.’ Another: ' Wait signing a warrant that is ILLEGAL and violates federal law was not incompetence? ok then it was criminal because they knew what they were signing.'