What Tucker Carlson's Putin Interview Means for X - YouTube Probably a lot of advertisers don't want their content shown beside this, but probably a lot of those advertisers are no longer on X (exodus a year ago). Now thicker skinned ones remain on X. (What even could lure back those exodused?)
How is BlueSky doing? Keep tabs. Mastodon?
No one is going to be talking about Facebook when it comes to these uncommon interviews though. And dems will be watching the shows too, I assume, so they'll be warmed/lured to X.
Exclusive: Tucker Carlson Interviews Vladimir Putin - YouTubeOne thing that seems a point is that when other world leaders are elected (not all but some), you can see the leader really does decide what the country does. When we've watched American presidents make statements on the election trail and then change in office, etc, it seems the president doesn't make many decisions, even the ones he's allowed to make.
Putin's Puppet Show feat. Tucker "The Propagandist" Carlson || Peter Zeihan - YouTube ‘There’s really no point in going to the substance of Tucker Carlson's interview.'
‘He's been a Russian shill for several years.'
Zeihen refers to Tucker as a ‘shill’.
I would guess the main problem ruling politicians see with people like Carlson is that they are so used to Agenda Setting being enough to maintain Their Order (they own the majority of the media, in Canada it is almost absolute with a state media organization, in USA it is a bipartizan political news system) they don't need to do deeper level (and more risky) forms of propaganda. When someone forces a legitimate competing truth or agenda into the mainstream and they are forced to address it on its own terms, they either look bad or have to try other forms of propaganda/oppression.
The thing we can say here is that when politicians (or anyone) are challenged in a legitimate way, have legitimate competition, are forced to talk against the truth and not their version of it/inventions, they are forced to do a better job, and citizens get a better country. Citizens have a lot of motive to nationalism. If you like/listen to Tucker/Putin, you are not a patriot, you are a traitor, you should support USA, you should critisize everything an opponent of ‘the government’ says and does and support everything your national government does. You should not even listen to those competing people. This leads to poorer and poorer leaders and a worse nation.