China calls for global unity amid Western exodus | DW Business Special - YouTube
Soft power

Has Russia actually been winning the war in Ukraine (despite what our media says)? Putin's successful stance against the West in Ukraine, has it made him more influential throughout the global south and BRICS? Man with a plan? - Sacks #Putin

Will Project Ukriane fall apart this year?

Is the Global South now more resisting the Collective West? Is the Global South using Russia as a proxy against the West? As a way to dethrone US hegemony all over the world? - Fiona Hill

Cali went from a $70b surplus to now a $70b deficit.

Ukraine may only have 20m people in the country now. 10m fled maybe. 500k soldiers have lost their lives.

Germany econonmy, based on cheap Russian gas, German car economy disrupted by Chinese cars, German costs going up while Chinese costs are going down.