New task force aims to combat Red Sea attacks | WGOW Shipping on Live Now Fox - YouTube

More people renounced US citizenship in the first 3 quarters of last year than the entire year before. (But qualified by pandemic restrictions.)

China Halts Exports of Some Rare-Earth Processing Technologies - YouTube

Uzbekistan is a good place to invest, it's now been said. Tamerlane, tourist sights, natural resources. Colombia for natural resources. Indonesia seems to be opening up to trade.

Texas flying migrants to Chicago now.

Analyst discusses impact of geopolitics on food security - YouTube
Black sea region wheat, India restricting movement. India's sugar restrictios have affected Indonesia, Bangledes and SA. More motivation for deglobalizaiton?
Key staple commodities (small price disruption can cause food insecurity): rice, sugar. Less so for onions.

Is China driving its economy towards consumption rather than investment?

Is BRICS (BRICS plus in 2025) a club for talking? or will they do something together. Countries that are opposed to the West and the dollar.

Mediation. Turkey in Ukraine war. Qatar in Gaza fighting.