TORONTO HAS CHANGED... and not for the better - YouTube 

Everyone already knows. It's still a good place to move for people from some other countries.

Temporary legal status offered to nearly half a million Venezuelan migrants - YouTube 

18 months.

Does this incentivize illegal crossings? Cartels, mules can use this news, it is said, to sell crossings to Latinos.

Does this incentivize illegal crossings? Cartels, mules can use this news, it is said, to sell crossings to Latinos.

White House to send 800 active-duty troops to southern border - YouTube  Chicago plans city-run grocery stores - YouTube 

How does this affect Walmart?

‘Down to Amazon and Uber Eats, until the drivers get robbed enough.’

Can the migration from the southern border into the US be called an ‘invasion.’? It's not an armed invasion of course, and it's not an army or a hostile attack. Perhaps the entry would have to be opposed by the local population and overcome to be an invasion? Are they 'entering as an enemy? It seems no.

Can it be considered an invasion simply on grounds of being ‘harmful’? It's not really harmful, I think.

Mexico to deport Central American migrants waiting to enter U.S. as crossings spike - YouTube 

Near-record numbers. Hundreds of thousands per year crossing the Darian. Hoping to reach the US.

Push factors: fleeing economic and political instability, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Cuba. Dire conditions.

Pull factors: ample supply of jobs in many sectors. News that the backlogged system is overwhelmed and people in it are just being released.

Government of Venezuela does not accept US deportations.