• Sri Lanka protests. Destroyed the leaders house. He resigned. India did not send military aid.
  • Sri Lanka govt increased pharmaceutical prices 30% earlier this year when inflation came to that country

    Pharmaceuticals running low, reportedly. No access to imported drugs, reportedly. Several hospitals are not performing surgeries.

    "If supplies are not restored within days, the casualties will be far worse than from the pandemic" - SLMA

    16k people have died of Covid in the country in the past couple years, according to reports.

  • Sri Lanka announces default on all its external debt


    They ran out of foreign exchange to buy food, fuel, etc.

    The government there said foreign governments et al were free to recapitalize any interest payments, or to accept rupees.

    SR needed $7b to service its debt this year but only had $2b in reserves.

    New Delhi has sent thousands of tons to Colombo as part of a multi-pronged support plan.

    Protests there for leader to step down.

